Mystery Street is currently accepting resumes for fall 2018 internships.

Our unique studio environment allows higher education students to get hands on experience with a wide variety audio work. From studio production and live audio recording to archival and restoration, interns will be immersed in numerous areas of audio engineering practices.
Interns who complete a semester with our organization will be given opportunities to better understanding basic studio operations, numerous audio formats both old and new, live sound recording and post-production, building relationships with artists, and knowledge of how a successful studio grows and prospers in the current market. This is an opportunity to gain insight into a uniquely dynamic business that is in constant growth.
availability to work a minimum of 16 hours a week for active studio time
Must be available on weekends and evenings
A basic understanding of Pro tools, cable management, and microphones is recommended
To apply, email your resume and cover letter to ArtistRelations@mysterystreetrecording.